The last log. Me on the ladder, my dad on the tractor on the other side of the wall.
Placing a log. Me on the ground with the stabilization rope. Goggles on for the blowing sawdust. |
Our hands. Dad's on the left, mine on the right. |
My grandfather stands on my left. My dad on my right. Chyulu with me in the
center in front of our first logs.
Chyulu and I next to our canoe on the Green River in Utah.
Nipper and I over the Deschutes River. His long, winter hair sweaty from running there. |
Dad, Chyulu and me standing in the half-built house. Behind us you can see
the better part of the Lower Bridge Valley.
Scouting the big drops in Cataract Canyon. Colorado River, Utah.
Rowing the Nile in Ethiopia. Our guards behind me. My hands on our heavy, home-made oars. |
Tacna, my van, and myself on the Peruvian coast.
Chyulu and I hauling hay.
My french host sister, Noelie, Chyulu, and me in front of my first load of logs.
Inside my house with a new roof, insulated, and finished with pine boards. Sunlight streaming in the south windows.
Me and my cataraft on the Tambopata River on the border of Peru and Bolivia.
Chyulu and I with the old red Chevy Cheyenne. |
Seeding my wheat trial on our twenty five acres.
Some organic garden bounty.
Dad and I at his new place in Mexico. A lost boy in never never land, happy as can be.
Cheers! Me and the backhoe finishing our irrigation project. |